World Wild Life Day -Don’t shoot us with Guns, shoot us with Cameras.
Some of nature’s most exquisite handiwork is on a miniature scale, as anyone knows who has applied a magnifying glass to a snowflake.
On 20 December 2013, the Sixty-eighth session of the United Nations General Assembly decided to proclaim 3 March as World Wildlife Day to celebrate and raise awareness of the world’s wild fauna and flora. The date is the day of the adoption of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) in 1973, which plays an important role in ensuring that international trade does not threaten the species’ survival.
Previously, 3 March had been designated as World Wildlife Day in a resolution made at the 16th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to CITES (CoP16) held in Bangkok from 3 to 14 March 2013.
- Cheetah populations have decreased so much that in Africa they are now only found in 10% of their historic range! RT if you care about protecting BigCats.
- The
has lost 95% of wild tigers
in the last century & lion populations have dropped by 40% in 3 generations.
- Between 1960s & 1970s, jaguars were heavily hunted & as many as 18,000 were killed every year to feed the trade in their skins. Since 1975 this trade was halted thanks to cities, and the population began to stabilize.
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