Is Climate Change a Joke???

Climate Change is a noteworthy and major issue facing the world today, yet a few climatologists and people believe that ‘’Climate Change is a Hoax’’. This term refers to the changes in environments and climates and temperatures experienced by population living in nations all around the world. Even some famous climatologists believe that this is a Hoax or it’s an example of fake science and other believe that it exists however not to the extent that some say. The people who deny it exists have a couple of key reasons behind their belief.

On Their Own Experiences: One reason why some people believe that Climate Change is a Hoax because of their own experiences. Those who live in the American Midwest might argument on that, because they still have ice and snow in the winter. As the climates they observed stay the same, they expect that climate change can’t exist because it would otherwise alteration their experiences. Those who believe in climate change point out that the climates did change in latest years. Those who living in the American Midwest may see that winters are somewhat milder and that summer feels more humid and warmer and starts earlier.

No Real Proof or Evidence: According to an article, some American people believe that climate change is hoax because they didn’t see any real evidence. Though there is evidence or proof out there, those who deny climate change exists refuse to even look at that evidence. They are claims that any evidence that verifies it exists is a type of fake science done by those who want to transformation public opinions.

No Known Cause: Some people believe that Global Warming is a Hoax, because researchers cannot come to a common agreement on whether ii exists or not or what causes it. While there is some evidence that claims that climate change occurred because of human involvement such as pollution, greenhouse gases, there are other studies that dispute this claim. Denier also claims that climate change no longer exists and that the average global temperature remained consistent for several decades. There are even claims that educators should no longer talk about climate change in schools. Until researchers can actually find out a cause for global warming and prove that it exists, many people will continue to dent that it exists.

Global warming or Climate change is a key theme that people around the globe cannot stop discussing. There are those who believe people should take steps to keep it from happening, but there are those who deny that climate change actually exists. Those people who think climate change or global warming is a hoax or doesn’t exist often point out the lack of proof and evidence that it even exists.


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Contact Person: Eliza Paul



  1. Every Climatologist who considers climate change a hoax is sponsored by the Fossil Fuel companies. They have spent 2 billion from 200-2016 funding lobbyists, think tanks and researchers all to refute climate change. 97% of climatologists who are not handsomely paid agree and I have thousands of peer reviewed papers to prove that there IS a cause. Why bother anymore with this, we all know the game. We are on to you.

    1. Yeah that is true. It's up-to them. We can't change anyone's perception.


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