20-03-2018- Spring Equinox's Arrival

Equinox 2018 will be at 9:45 PM on Tuesday, 20 March.

The March equinox or spring equinox is the equinox on the Earth when the sub solar point appears to leave the southern hemisphere and cross the celestial equator, heading northward as seen from Earth. In the Northern Hemisphere the March equinox is known as the vernal equinox, and in the Southern Hemisphere as the autumnal equinox.
The March equinox may be taken to mark the beginning of spring and the end of winter in the Northern Hemisphere but marks the beginning of autumn and the end of summer in the Southern Hemisphere

This date is when day and night are around the same length, each lasting around 12 hours. It usually takes place on 19, 20 or 21 March every year. In the southern hemisphere, the opposite occurs, as autumn begins at the same time. Spring starts in September south of the equator on the same day autumn starts north of the equator.  

Vernal Equinox Day (春分の日 Shunbun no Hi) is a public holiday in Japan that occurs on the date of the Northward equinox in Japan Standard Time (the vernal equinox can occur on different dates in different time-zones), usually March 20 or 21. It is part of a seven-day period of festival called Haru no Higan. The holiday is also special to farmers and agriculturalists as a day to pray for good luck and fortune for the crops they may grow in the upcoming season.
Ancient Christianity links the celebration with Easter when Jesus is believed to have died and then been reborn.
In Spain, the time around the start of spring has traditionally been the planting season as the ground thaws and the daylight hours become longer so crops can grow. 
The Indian tradition of bringing in spring is the festival of Holi – also known as the festival of colours.
In Iran, the New Year begins on the day of the equinox and is marked with the festival of No Ruz
In Lanark, Scotland, the start of spring is celebrated on 1 March with a festival called Whuppity Scoorie


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